Music Track - Catholic Convocation
Sing to the Lord - Music in Divine Worship
Catholic Convocation - The New Evangelization in the Year of Faith

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Opening Mass Music provided by the St. Michael Choir & Guests

St. Michael the Archangel Center, Cary

This special Convocation track will provide the opportunity for all parish music ministers to renew their understanding of Sing to the Lord, the document which guides music for our worship.  Participants will register for the entire track and then attend all three of the following sessions.  Lunch will be included in the track schedule.

Session I

Overview of Sing to the Lord and how the document provides basic guidelines for selection of music and musical repertoire as well as an understanding of the role and ministry of music in the liturgy.

Session II

An examination of various liturgical actions and rituals and the appropriateness of sacred music with a particular emphasis on sung worship.

Session III

An introduction to the chants of the Roman Missal, 3rd Edition, together with an opportunity to explore their proper use in the Mass utilizing the principle of progressive solemnity.

Registration Brochures and online registration coming soon!