Music Ministry St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church


  • Emily - Tory's daughter, undergoing some tests and a procedure
  • Phil Ferski - struggling with bursitis 
  • Frank Myers (Flutist Betty Myers husband) has died
  • Diane's brother recovering from surgery
  • Darcy's Mom, Delores Georgeson has a benign Meningioma brain tumor
  • Harry Podgurski - having heart problems
  • John and Sal - Carol's cousins - both fighting cancer
  • Diane's Cousin Debbie, fighting cancer
  • Steve Hodges - continued recovery
  • Bob Mayhew  - treatment for Prostate Cancer
  • Those fighting cancer
  • Deb Icardi's sister - Alzheimer's
  • Choir members in pain
  • Deb Icardi's Mom - Parkinson's
  • Trish's Dad - Alzheimer's
  • Sherry Kilgus-Kramer - continued health
  • Those struggling with anxiety and depression and addiction
  • all those recovering from surgery
  • all those in countries at war
  • all those experiencing natural disasters
  • Maria Cho
  • Our choir family